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Everybody's Story


We are trained medical professionals in the battle against cancer.

Quinn Bartlett / Nov. 22, 2022, 10:59 p.m.

Everybody's Story

Who are we?

We are trained, medical professionals.

And why are we here?

Our goal is to cure cancer

Whether you are a medical physicist, radiation oncologist, or service technician; what unites us, is our contribution to the fight against cancer. We chose our profession purposefully; we wanted to make a difference. Although we sometimes forget the passion and drive that once gripped and inspired us to find ourselves in the cancer industry, we must not forget our role in the larger picture.

We've all had dreams of curing cancer. Dreams of making leaping advancements in technology and medicine to combat the largest battle modern medicine has ever encountered. We follow those dreams and find ourselves in the cancer industry. Our dreams face reality and we accept the realistic idea that the battle with cancer does not simply lie within a cure. Millions suffer every day. These are the ones we can help today, and we do. Knowing that our contribution saves lives today and grows the industry to save more tomorrow.

Days continue- weeks, months, and years pass. The dream of curing cancer lies dormant, and the satisfaction of being respected in society for your efforts dwindles. Desensitization slowly chips away at the pride that comes with being on the front lines and undermines the deserved appreciation. We forget the amazing work we do and the contribution we make daily towards a cure.

We at Linax will be the first to admit we have fallen into this narrative. We forgot why we are in the radiotherapy industry, and what our efforts contribute every day. We wanted our passion back. We wanted to rejoin the battle.

We wondered how we can move the radiotherapy industry a few steps closer to beating cancer.

We can influence the effects of cancer today. We are already winning the battle, treating cancer, and making advancements every day. The problem is we need a bigger army. We need to make sure that every cancer patient has easy access to the treatment they need. The more we treat, the faster we can grow the cancer industry, refine and improve our treatments, and inspire millions to continue to strive toward our goal.

How can we make this treatment accessible? The answer may be simpler than the solution. Simply stated, the world needs more linacs. There are approximately 14,000 linacs globally to treat about 10 million patients each year. With more linac machines we will be able to treat those millions of patients faster, and closer to home.

We'll need more service technicians to maintain and commission the machines and medical physicists and radiation oncologists to deliver and manage treatment. These professionals need specialized linac training and education resources.

That's why Linax Technologies was created. We intend to change the radiotherapy industry by changing the way people are trained and educated to work with linacs. We want technology-based solutions that effectively educate and give hands-on experience to students anywhere in the world. Linac strives to prepare techs and physicists confident for their clinic responsibilities without a clinic sacrificing resources and clinic efficiency. Linacs are the cure, and we want the radiotherapy industry to understand, use, and develop these machines as much as possible

Linax offers courses to educate and certify service technicians and medical physicists who operate and maintain medical linacs. Our training goes beyond procedural instruction to cover the theory and practice relating to medical linacs. We allow participants to simulate clinic environments for safe training and exposure. This training empowers learners to become confident operators through deep understanding. Our aim is to help raise confidence levels, treatment efficiency, and accessibility, and support communities of professionals within cancer clinics. We believe that this is our best effort in contributing to the fight against cancer.

More operators are the first step towards more linacs. Accessible care is the first step toward the goal of curing cancer. But we need your help. We need the radiotherapy industry to know what our values are, what we can offer, and most importantly, that we are in this together.

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